Connection Team

We  see how God loves every person of any ethnicity, nationality, gender, and faith . For that reason, the Connection Team guarantees and is committed to giving a genuine welcome to everyone who visits our family. We believe we make a difference through reflecting Christ's love by welcoming everyone as they are and celebrating the diversity and uniqueness of each person. Our is to mission to make visitors and members alike to feel the joy and enthusiasm of being part of a family and a larger community. It is our goal to ensure people can make real connections and begin to build authentic and intimate relationships. 

A few ways for visitors to get connected is through our monthly Connection Lunches, attending monthly Potlucks, to start serving, and to get connected to a Small Group.

Connection Lunch

Every 2nd Sunday of the month, the Connection Team invites visitors to share a meal with our church leaders. The Connection Lunch is held right after service at a member's home. There will be delicious free food, great company, and an opportunity to learn more about Citylights and our mission. Additionally, visitors will be invited to ask questions or provide feedback to the Pastor and Leadership. 

For more information about small groups CLICK HERE.

Ways to Get Involved:

  • Become a Greeter
  • Become an Usher
  • Children's Check-in
  • Sign-up to Bring Snacks

For more information, see below to contact our Connection Team Director

Contact Information

Get in contact with Erik Morales, our Connection Team Director, for more information on how to stay or get connected with Citylights.